Thursday, November 12, 2009

. . . Or maybe not

Remember yesterday's comment about Microsoft using Mac OS X Leopard as its inspiration for the new Windows 7 operating system?

Apparently Microsoft now denies any, any, any influence from Cupertino, as noted in today's retraction: How We Really Designed The Look and Feel of Windows 7.

An inaccurate quote has been floating around the Internet today about the design origins of Windows 7 and whether its look and feel was “borrowed” from Mac OS X.  Unfortunately this came from a Microsoft employee who was not involved in any aspect of designing Windows 7. I hate to say this about one of our own, but his comments were inaccurate and uninformed. 

Sometimes, it's just impossible to make these things up, but Brandon LeBlanc, a Windows Communications Manager at Microsoft who runs the official The Windows Blog, is certainly trying.

Public flogging of Microsoft's partner group manager, Simon Aldous, at 11.

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